
雄大な自然を感じて広大なフィールドで遊んでもらうという目標をたて、他に使い道のなかった調整池の斜面をあえて利用しました。この調整池の斜面は大雨が降るたびに火山灰で出来た芝張りの斜面が崩れ下流の水田に土砂が流れ込んで被害をもたらしており、アスレチック遊具を配置することによって斜面が崩れることを防ぐ役割も果たしています。 つづく
Genki no Mori
This athletic facility is located in Aso Farmland at the foot of Mt. Aso in Kumamoto Prefecture. It has shed the image that athletics are for children and sparked today's athletic boom.
Aso Farmland started out as a so-called drive-in, and developed into a huge scale facility due to its good location and accurate management. At that time, bus travel was still the mainstay of travel, and one of the issues was how to extend the stay of group tour visitors. In addition, the number of buses that stop by the facility tends to decrease year by year, and as a result of repeated discussions with the owner, the answer we came up with was that we would prioritize family visits in the future. And I set the first job that I will help reform to athletic playground that can be enjoyed by a wide range of age groups. Of course, we had an amusement park plan in mind at first, but we couldn't set up electric playground equipment because it was located in a national park.
With the goal of allowing children to feel the grandeur of nature and play in the vast field, we deliberately used the slope of the regulating pond, which had no other use. Every time heavy rain falls on the slope of this reservoir, the slope covered with volcanic ash collapses and the earth and sand flows into the paddy fields downstream, causing damage.
For this athletic, we have devised a number of playground equipment that is completely different from conventional ones. There are no instructions or restrictions on how to play, the only rule is to move forward. Most of the visitors were puzzled by the modeling that they had never experienced before, but the one rule and the desire to play with it somehow gave visitors the opportunity to think about how to play. You will realize that the objects and courses that appear in front of you are both goals and obstacles.
The biggest feature of this athletic is that the playground equipment is arranged in order and all of them are connected to make it a circuit type. After finishing the last playground equipment, you can challenge the first playground equipment again. We encourage them to re-challenge the playground equipment they were not able to do well in the first round. By making it an excursion type, it is possible to assign a character to each playground equipment, and to combine simple and difficult physical strength, short and long time, exercise system, balance system, maze system, etc. Setting. In addition, we balance the difficulty level for players with and without physical strength, for children, and for adults. It was a great success with many visitors lining up from the day of the opening, and there were times when the number of visitors exceeded 8000 in one day. Many of our repeater families say that their children like the athletics here more than the rides at the amusement park. After repeated expansions and renovations, it eventually grew into a facility with more than 60 attractions that took nearly an hour to go around.